7 Stones IP and Commercial Chambers
4/4a Bloomsbury Square,
London. WC1A 2RP
Tel: +44 (0) 20 4549 2737
Email: admin@7stonesip.com
Chambers has in place policies that deal with conflict issues in situations where members of chambers have been instructed on both sides of a matter. Further conflict issues arise in situations when a member of chambers has been instructed in a matter as an arbitrator or mediator and another member has been instructed as counsel.
Procedures are in place to reduce the likelihood of conflicts, including strict adherence to preventing cross email contamination and internal physical and cloud operational barriers.
Furthermore, the Bar Standards Board Handbook Rule RC21 governs the situation where counsel may be deemed to be professionally embarrassed and therefore has a duty to refuse to accept instructions.
Chambers unusually operates on a semi virtual basis and does not use a clerking service. This methodology of operation helps to ensure that confidential information regarding an individual members instructions and communications are kept confidential and do not leak across members of chambers workflows. Individual members may utilise differing email and communications systems in managing their own practices which help reduce data breaches and conflicts.
Given the unusual chambers operational methodology, generally members have their own individual workflow and manage such in accordance with their own practices. Therefore, individual barristers do not have access to other members information. As self-employed counsel they are responsible for applying the cab rank rule where appropriate.